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  • Writer's pictureeinir trimble

Back to School: Finding Normality After a Busy Summer

Reflecting on a Hectic Summer


Well it’s definitely been the busiest summer ever, I knew it wasn’t going to be relaxing, but we’ve definitely packed in as much as possible. We’ve finally moved house from Aberystwyth down to Pontardawe, and we’ve  also had a wonderful summer holiday in Eurocamp on lake Garda in Italy.

The kids have joined a karate club and had their first session last night - so we’ve now got ninja kicks happening all around us! And the icing on the cake was dropping the kids off at their new school, and finally realising that this is actually our new home now, it’s not just an Airbnb, which it’s kind of felt like for the past week. 

The Challenge of Transitioning Back to Routine

The move went smoothly, but emotionally I’ve had a few wobbles, as I tell all my clients, change of any type can be challenging, even though it’s a good change, our brain likes patterns, and likes familiarity. I’ve especially found driving around quite tricky.

I’m used to quiet roads and knowing where I’m going, and I’m completely dependant on the Sat nav here, but after a while this will become my new pattern and my brain will accept it as the new norm and start relaxing and enjoying exploring my surroundings. 

Creating a Calm Environment: Setting Up My New Home Office Shed

I’ve been to visit a few locations to set up my practice and from this Wednesday onwards I will be seeing face to face clients in the The Swansea Wellbeing Centre | Wellbeing Swansea , where I will also be holding my monthly relaxation classes. If you would like to book your slot, click here:

I’m also planning on turning my little office shed into a lovely practice room as well, but it needs a trip to Ikea first and a few pots of paints. Any design decorators out there who would like to offer me some tips, would be greatly appreciated! 

The Importance of Self-Care During Transitional Periods

Self care is so vital during this transition and as a mother we tend to prioritise our needs after the rest of the family and being a therapist I should know the importance of this - ‘put your own gas mask on first’. 

But I’ll be honest and admit that I haven’t been amazing at self care this summer, as I write this I’m drinking my second cup of coffee of the morning as I’ve had two sleepless nights keeping the girls calm and reassured during the run up to starting a new school. But, all this is about to change… 

I’m starting a new challenge for myself and I want to practice what I preach, so if you follow me on Instagram I will be starting a new self care challenge very shortly  and sharing some audio’s to listen to if you would like to follow along. 

Looking Forward: Goals for the Coming Months


I also wanted to share with you some exciting news, I will be offering a new monthly Online workshop, which anybody can sign up for, each monthly will have a different topic to cover, from anxiety, stress, weight loss, body confidence, letting go of the past. Information about this will be coming soon, if you have a topic that you would like to cover please feel free to send me a message, and I can add this to the list.

Book a Session: In-Person or Online

and finally if you've been frazzled and stressed out this summer and looking for a way to re-charge and give your self a boost, why not book a session in with me. Click here for available dates and times: 

Hope your all keeping well, and looking after yourselves.

Einir x

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